Monday, January 18, 2010

Hide and Seek

Not even sure what to say right now. I guess I always believe that my blog should be used when I have lots of good stuff happening in my life. But right now... life isn't so much fun. In fact the circumstances of my life really sort of stink. This is when having your own business makes you panic a little. I am blessed that I know the Lord always provides for us. He knows what time of year it is. He knows that January comes after December when we have more to pay for and more expenses go out rather then cash coming in. I know He know that.
I also know that He knew what would happen to this baby. He knew that once again we would experience another loss. He knew that. I am not sure really this purpose of it all. In my weakest moments, I keep feeling like maybe there is something I am not getting. Maybe I am not learning some lesson that I need to learn. I think sometimes I am missing something and until I figure out that aspect of my life then and only then will the Lord bless me with the Desire of my heart.

When we lost Carter I bought all kinds of books in order to deal with the hurt in my heart and in my whole body. It wasn't until the week that I even really sat down and looked at the book. I picked up a devotional companion called "Grieving the Child I never knew." The first chapter - first day... had my name written on the top line. It is called "Hide - And - Seek" I like this game because for me... it helps. I have this idea right now that helping others will somehow make my pain go away. Or at least camouflage it. I feel like there are days that people get tired of all that we are going through. Almost as if to say... isn't two times enough for us to give you support and sympathy. Of course this again is the lie that I tell myself. And maybe there are those that feel that way. Not sure why I feel the need to feel guilty for there frustration!

I myself have learned so much about the process of grief. I learned (as I was reminded by my friend Sally the other day) not to ask people what they need but to make myself available to them.
1. Not to ask if they would like dinner, but to tell them I am bringing dinner over.
2. Not to take it personally if someone is not in the mood to talk or leave the house... to go at their pace.
3. Not to say let me know if there is anything I can do... but look for ways I can serve. Tell them I will be over to clean there house, or wash their clothes or watch their child while they are resting or going to a dr. appointment.

There are so many other lessons that I am learning this third time around. I believe the way I minister and counsel is changing too. I sometimes think I could have read this in a book or watched someone else go through this and still learned the same thing... but I guess that is me lying to myself.

I Peter 4:12 says "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as through something strange were happening to you." This just says to me... Jenna your not crazy and that trails and storms will come. How will I face them.

Each time we suffer a loss, Brent and I have noticed that there are themes. Carter the theme verse was "your grace is sufficient." And was it ever! The last time it seemed for me to be "Be still and know that I am God." This time it is one of my favorite verses that comes up again and again: Psalms 37:4: If you delight yourself in the Lord HE WILL give you the desires of your heart."

Lord my desire is to have my own children to raise to be children who are sold out for you! I desire to delight myself in you. I desire to make my desires your desires. Even in my hurt, sadness, anger and pain... I don't want to run away and hide... I want to grow and seek you!


The Blue Sparrow said...

Jenna, thank you for your comment. I love getting know fellow MOA's getting able to learn about their angels. I am so so sorry for your losses. This post really resonates with me because it is so true that each loss has had a different theme or feel to it. I hope to get to know you better through our blogs! *HUGS*

Tay's Mom said...

oh girl. i SO wish i lived near you. i would be there in a heartbeat. just to hug you and listen and pray and seek His input. i know that i, and probably you, just want Him to come out and tell us "what's up". i know that our situations are slightly different, but we both continue to experience the same feelings. i value your friendship so much -- i can't tell you how unfortunate, yet wonderful, it is to hear your words, as they echo mine word-for-word. having someone to walk alongside in this journey is priceless. i feel the same exact way as you wrote -- i'm waiting to "learn that one thing" before i can "collect and pass go." i feel like God is just waiting for me to learn a specific lesson before He will bless us with the desires of our heart. ugh. so tough. and i have no miracle words. only He does. but i do love you and i do want you to know that you are never ever alone. you will be an amazing momma one day. and, until then, try to rest in His word. He promises great things that we can't even fathom -- nothing is more uplifting and hopeful than that promise alone :) xoxoxo

MelissaLeigh said...

Hi Jenna,

I found your blog while looking through others. I am so sorry for your loss. I have found out it never gets easier when you lose a child but it gets harder. I am praying for you! By the way I also live in GA! You will be in my thoughts and prayers!


Mrs. H said...

Oh Jenna, I am so so sorry to hear of your loss. The Lord does indeed know the desires of your heart. He has never removed His hand from your life, despite the (spiritual & physical) loneliness and emptiness you may now feel. "Oh how He loves us..." the David Crowder lyrics resonate in my mind, especially during the times when I need to remind myself and keep myself from sinking into a spiritual black hole. Hold on to His promises. Surround yourself with His truths, even when all you feel is numbness. And thank you for continuing to blog even when the events of life aren't "good."

Julee said...

Sometimes there just aren't any words...I didn't have them when I ran into you guys at Bed, Bath & beyond (concerning your loss) and i don't seem to have any now. I just ache for you both and pray that you are feeling the comforting arms of God covering you through your sadness. Always hoping and praying....

RJ Thesman said...

Jenna & Brent:
I was sad to read about your latest loss, but rejoice in how God is bringing you solace.

We don't know why; we only know Who.

God is able to work through even this great loss and do something special. Your children are blessed to have parents with such faith.

Rebecca Thesman