Wednesday, May 23, 2007

If Not For Grace

So I started my first full time job since grad school. I was sure the hardest part of this job would be the fact that I would have to get up early, stay late and work each day all day long! I was used to making my own appointments and when I needed a break, I could take one. Although this is hard, the hardest has been working with kids with the past that they have. Hearing the stories of kids and the situations they come from . This week has been the toughest. A girl from our church is in need of a foster home! No because she has done anything wrong, but because of the situations in her life and the choices of other people! At the same time, I am in this training class about training new foster parents. We learned today, in the state of GA, if you eat 4 Hall's cough drops and then were stopped by a police, you could get a DUI. Or parents who loose their jobs and then their home and have to move into a shelter and have their kids taken away because their bills are not paid!! I keep thinking, that God has a plan. A perfect plan. Although, I try to worry, stress, cry and figure out a plan to "fix" these kids, I remember He IS PERFECT!! Just the reminder that anyone one of us could quickly end up in a situation that we could have a tramua in our life, if it not for Grace!! I of course would like to believe I am above any of this, but again, am quickly reminded that in a matter of seconds I could love everything in my life. We recently saw a man in GA who served 20 years (or so) in prision for a crime he did not committ. But again, God is perfect and as long as I continue to serve Him daily, He is always in control of my life! I know this is heavy for a second post, but it has me pretty down and overwhelmed today for sure!

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