Saturday, July 30, 2011


Avery Grayce is finally here. After 18 hours of labor, she arrived July 25, 2011 at 7:08 pm.  She weighed 6lbs 14 oz and was 19 inches long.  She was taken right away to the NICU because she has some extra skin on the back of her neck as well as fluid filled feet. Both of these indicated that the Turners Syndrome diagnosis was correct.  She spent 4 nights in the NICU so that they could do genetic testing, heart testing, hearing testing, as well as observation.  We were surprised that on Thursday night the preliminary results had already come back with the results of her genetic testing. The doctor took Brent and I into the "parent room" to discuss the results.  He quickly said (in a South African accent that we just loved) "These test say that your baby is perfect!"  NO TURNERS SYNDROME!!!  That means that God 100% healed her.  We didn't believe the doctor and he had to make a copy of the results for us to see and to keep for ourselves.  He said that the extra skin on her neck and the fluid in her feet were just there because of her condition during pregnancy.  She will grow into her skin and the fluid in her feet will go down.  So funny that we ask and pray for God's healing and then when He does it...we doubt and are shocked by it!  He is so good!  Brent and I are so overwhelmed with love and joy and excited.  We are so grateful for all of you who have joined us in prayer during these months and even during the past three years.  We believe that God has such an incredible plan for Avery just as He did for Carter and just as He does for us.  We still would never trade the past three years for anything.  All we can say is...thank you Jesus!  Thank you Jesus! We see your hand and will always trust your heart!

SO...we would like to introduce you to... MISS. AVERY GRAYCE SPEARS!!! OUR MIRACLE!!!!!


Monday, July 11, 2011

Small changes

 Special toybox passed down to us by special friends.

 Perfect sign for us!

Lambey her "lovie" given to her by her Daddy

Excited daddy 
 Handmade bedding
Room is just missing Avery Grayce!

So today's doctor's appointment went well, and we are officially on track for this baby to be here!  We are 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced.  But as many of you already know, that could mean nothing!  We are really praying that Avery will show up even before we are induced, but we at least have an end date in sight.  So it's officially 2 weeks from today (14 days) that we will be on our way to bringing home Avery.  Can't believe it's almost here.  Her room is done and just waiting for her.  Below are a few pictures we took this weekend.  Keep praying.

Friday, July 01, 2011


So I have wanted to do this kind of post this whole time, but was too anxious to say anything because we were so unsure if everything would turn out okay.  I was put on bed rest this week because of some slight blood pressure issues.  So now Brent has to clean, cook, work and do everything for us.  He's amazing.  So as I am resting I thought I would be brave and post a survey.  So here goes!

1. How far along? 35 weeks 4 days

2. Total weight gain - 18 lbs (UGH!)
3. Maternity clothes - Oh you mean they still make non maternity clothes?  I feel like I have worn maternity forever!

4. Stretch marks - No major ones

5. Sleep - What is that? 

6. Best moment this week - getting my hair done.

7. Worst moment - Being put on bed rest.  It hurts to lay down as much as it hurts to stand up and walk around. 

8. Movement -  NON STOP!  I thought when I got to this point that she would slow down a little.  No way.  This week she has been crazy.  In fact, we watched her grab her legs and then let them go.  A fun game for her maybe, but for me, major uncomfortable and painful at times.

9. Food Cravings - I have not had anything really consistent in this area.  Depends on the day.  I can eat ice cream, which when I am not pregnant I can't eat it because of lactose issues.  So that could count right?

10. Gender -  Still a GIRL and a good thing since everything is PINK! Avery Grayce
11. Wedding rings on or off - On!  I may have blood pressure issues, but no swelling.

12. Weekly wisdom - I have tried to save all my wisdom for my last two weeks of clients, so the rest of my days are spent sounding less than wise (just ask my hubby!! LOL)

13. Milestones? - Everything is a milestone at this point!  We are three weeks away from really having a baby.  Can't believe it.