Sunday, March 23, 2008

Catch Up again!

Sometimes it takes us a while to update our blog. Sorry! I promise, there are days we do good if we see each other before crashing in bed at night! We will try to do better! So here are three posts with lots of good pictures today.

As many of you heard, last weekend the Atlanta area had some major tornadoes that killed at least two people, injured a whole bunch of others, did major damage to downtown Atlanta and sent us inside our closest a few times in order to take cover. Although the tornado went around us at least 3 different times last weekend, Saturday was a day to remember and a pretty scary experience. We did have some major hail (which is the picture below). The first month after we moved to GA in 2005, we had another, much smaller hail storm, that did major damage to our white car. We were blessed this time to have nothing more than a stressful, eventful day we won't forget for a while!

Hail Storm

Right before the Hail

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